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Proposed Land
Use Bylaw (LUB)

Read the Proposed Land Use Bylaw for yourself!

Listen to the Jan 10 Public Hearing and Council Meeting

The Overview

There is a lot we are concerned about in the actual Bylaw itself, and the impacts it will have on everyone in this county, from town residents to farmers and food supply. There is some overview information available as well. Click the links to check the information yourself - don't take our word for it!


Council budgeted

$100 000 for the LUB Review - see "Approved Budget" below. Scroll to page 228 (November 23, 2021 Agenda)


As of Sept 27, 2022, the Land Use Bylaw Review has cost

$75 719

See "Current Budget" below. Scroll to page 191 (September 27, 2022 Agenda)


Green Space Alliance Urban Planning Firm (GSA) is the consulting company working on the LUB.

It’s a big international company. They specialise in big cities like Mumbai, India, a city of 21 Million People. “URBAN” is splashed all over their website. GSA proudly specialises in rural-to-urban migrating.


Check them out

Council Meetings

While this process began with the previous council, current council has recorded 9 meetings about the LUB and/or with GSA on several dates:


Nov 3/21--2 Councillors

Nov15/21--2 Councillors

Dec 1/21--2 Councillors

Dec 8/21--1 Councillor

Mar 9/22--All Councillors

Mar 10/22--1 Councillor

Sep 1/22--4 Councillors

Oct 5/22--All Councillors

Oct 20/22--2 Councillors


Learn More

This proposed Land Use Bylaw impacts every Thorhild County member if it gets passed. Below are links to more information:

Get Involved 

Attend the Public Meeting: Newbrook Hall Jan 21 @10 AM


Attend the Council meeting: Jan 24 @ 9:30

at Thorhild County Chambers


As of the Public Hearing on January 10, Councillors aren't permitted - by protocol - to address the Public's concerns about the proposed Land Use Bylaw until after the Third Reading.


We are encouraging you to reach out to our Chief Administrative Officer, Ryan Maier and to your elected Councillor via e-mail or phone:


CAO, Ryan Maier

Reeve Joyce Pierce

Deputy Reeve Angela

Councillor Richard Filipchuk

Councillor Janine Paly

Councillor Trevor Dafoe

Where To Now?

As the public, there isn't much we can do until the proposed Bylaw is passed. We can talk to our CAO and Councillors.


Once the Bylaw passes, as county members, there are FOUR options we can choose to pursue:


1- Petition the Council to Rescind the Resolution. The means we are asking the Council to reverse their decision to enact the Bylaw.


2 - Petition the Minister of Municipal Affairs to investigate the affairs of the municipality - essentially we are asking the Provincial Minister to investigate the County and Council for wrong doing (much like the 2014/2015 investigation)


3 - Petition the Minister of Municipal Affairs to examine the County for Viability. The minister can recommend many things up to dissolving the County and partitioning it out to the surrounding counties.


4 - Contact a lawyer.

Let us know if you want updates for meetings and information we receive - we will NOT spam your email or share your information

We will only email you if we have important information.

Send us a message from here:

Thank you for getting involved!

We will reply!

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