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Simply, What's Up?

Here is simple list of issues that will impact people throughout the county, farmers, people in town and on acreages, . No pages or references, just a distilled talking points list for the people short on time. We encourage you to check out the Proposed Land Use Bylaw document - don't take our word for it. The other impact pages have SOME issues contained within the Bylaw with sections and pages to look at - these are all just starting points for you to explore the document.
Full disclosure: this is not a comprehensive list of all of the ways this will impact everyone in this county. We are a small group of people who also have families, farms, and jobs to keep us busy throughout the days and evenings. Let us know if you see something we forgot or haven't gotten to yet!

Retroactive non-compliance

Conforming structures with permits or structures that didn't need permits before but are now need to be fixed, re-permitted, or have a permit are not grandfathered in like they're supposed to be. Anything non-conforming requires a new permit.


The Development Authority is only required to give 48 hours' notice to the land owner before entering the property to search, repair, move, demolish, remove structures as they deem necessary. Regular mail is considered appropriate communication.

Subjective Language

There are over 100 examples of requirements are "to the satisfaction of," "in the opinion of," or "to the discretion of," the Development Authority with no guidelines to what that opinion, satisfaction, or discretion may be. This could include "unsightly" colours or designs.

No unsightly objects or uses in yards (again, in the opinion of the Development Authority)


All barbed wire requires a permit - existing and future. That's quite the permit backlog for everything for a couple of strings to keep the cows in.


  • You cannot alter a sign in anyway without a permit. Include business signs and family name signs/ rocks/ placards at the end of your driveway.

  • Quality and appearance is to be "to the satisfaction" of the development authority - if they don't like it, you have to remove it.

Animals and Chickens

  • Hen enclosures (fence, shelter, etc.) of ANY size requires a permit on ALL land uses. See the "Urban Hen Bylaw"

  • The Urban Hen Bylaw does NOT exist - chickens in town were voted against in January, 2020.

  • Maximum numbers of animals as designated "per County Bylaw." The Animal Control Bylaw addresses only dogs! No pigs, sheep, hens, etc

Open Water

Any water deeper than 1.9 feet is required to be fenced off and requires a development permit. This could include your rain barrel(s)!

Architecture, Projections Above Grade, and Appearance

  • Chimneys: maximum 3.9 feet (1.2m)

  • Canopies, Porches, Stoops, Steps: Front yards - maximum height 8.2ft (2.5m). Side yards - maximum 3.9ft (1.2m)

  • Decks: MAXIMUM height: 9.8ft (3.0m). Any taller than 2ft (0.6m) requires a permit. All decks fall under lot coverage requirements.

  • Balconies: Maximum 4.9ft (1.5m) projection

  • Design of your buildings and structures may be at the discretion (again) of the Development Authority

  • Non-agricultural use buildings (like houses, garages, sheds, etc.) maximum height: 10m (32.8ft)

Farms and Ranches

  • ALL barbed wire requires a permit.

  • No chickens without a permit for their fences, runs, shelters - anything they use as an "enclosure" of ANY size.

Acreages (Country Residential, up to 10 acres)

  • NO  exotic animal husbandry, apiaries (no bees), nurseries, commercial greenhouses, market gardens (no U-picks), small-scale poultry, and pork operations. 

  • NO crop or livestock production.

  • NO equestrian facilities.

  • NO agricultural processing: meat, seed, cannabis or "other similar" (we don't know exactly what "other" means - there is no attached definition)

  • NO equestrian facilities

  • All buildings are allowed 4000 square feet coverage maximum. Largest accessory building is 2500 square feet and 6m (19.7ft) tall.

  • Front yard landscaping: 2 deciduous trees, 2 coniferous trees, 10 shrubs (5 coniferous, 5 deciduous). Fruit trees not permitted.

  • Acceptable front yard landscaping includes vegetable gardens, rock gardens, manicured lawns, ornamental plants, and xeriscapes (little to no water required).

In Town

  • Parking spots allowed only in front yard, no back yard parking spots.

  • All buildings are allowed 4000 square feet coverage maximum. Largest accessory building is 2500 square feet and 6m (19.7ft) tall.

  • Front yard landscaping: 1 tree, 3 shrubs. Fruit Trees are not permitted.

  • Acceptable front yard landscaping includes vegetable gardens, rock gardens, manicured lawns, ornamental plants, and xeriscapes (little to no water required).

  • Maximum lot coverage by all buildings is 40%. Accessory buildings are allowed 15% coverage maximum

Shipping Containers

  • Residential in Hamlets: Maximum one 20-foot container

  • 1 to 4.9 Acres: Maximum ONE 40-foot shipping containers, or TWO 20-foot containers

  • 5 to 9.9 Acres: Maximum TWO 40-foot shipping containers, or FOUR 20-foot containers

  • Agricultural of any size: Maximum four 40-foot shipping containers, or eight 20-foot containers

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